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Where Your Support Reaches: Empowering Women Leaders in the Middle East

At DeepWell Sustainable Leadership, our mission is to support women who lead in the Middle East and North Africa. Your contributions directly fund programs that are crucial in journeying with these women as they navigate their unique circumstances, challenges, and opportunities.


Below, you'll find an overview of the services your donations support; each designed to ensure that these leaders continue to make a profound impact in their communities and the region.


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Conferences & Retreats
Centered Soul Coaching
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three woman looking back and facing body
SoulLed Leadership Cohort

Conferences & Retreats

Restoring and Strengthening Leadership

Our conferences and retreats are designed to help women leaders reconnect with themselves, deepen their relationship with God, and establish sustainable rhythms for their demanding roles. Held in peaceful venues that encourage solitude and community, these events provide: 

  • Small, intimate groups for personalized attention

  • Experiential learning and new spiritual practices

  • Worship, prayer, and opportunities for deep reflection

These retreats have been instrumental in supporting over 200 women from 10 different countries since 2013, providing the resources they need to sustain their leadership.

Average Cost: $1000 = 1 woman to a retreat 
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Image by Mor Shani

Centered Soul Coaching

Personalized Support for Lasting Impact

Centered Soul Coaching offers a unique blend of traditional coaching, mentoring, and spiritual direction, tailored to the individual needs of each woman leader. This personalized approach allows women to:

  • Explore and develop their innate leadership capabilities

  • Introduce and master new practices

  • ​Discern where God is at work in their lives

Currently, DeepWell provides around 200 hours of coaching per year to women leaders in the region, free of charge, offering essential support that fuels their continued impact.

$150/month provides 1 leader with personalized support

Online Courses

Equipping Leaders with Essential Skills

DeepWell's online courses are designed to equip women leaders with the tools they need to thrive in their roles. Covering topics such as:

  • Self-leadership

  • Energy Management (Rhythms for Sustainability)

  • Prayer and Awareness for Teams

  • Group Discernment

Delivered live via Zoom, they provide interactive learning experiences that address the unique challenges faced by women leaders in the Middle East. We are also working on converting these courses into video-based formats to expand their reach and provide ongoing support for leaders in the region.

$250/month provides training for 1 leader
Woman with Laptop
Image by Suhyeon Choi

SoulLed Leadership Cohort

Deepening Leadership Through Community

The SoulLed Leadership Cohort is a nine-month experiential journey designed to help women deepen their intimacy with God and sustain their leadership in the long term. The program includes both in-person and online gatherings, individual coaching sessions, and ongoing community engagement, all aimed at nurturing spiritual growth and leadership sustainability.


For those who wish to share these insights with others, we also offer a train-the-trainer cohort, providing the tools and support needed to pass along this transformative content. This program fosters a deep sense of community and shared purpose among participants, ensuring that the impact of their leadership continues to grow.

Coming Soon!
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The Impact of Your Support

Your contributions help us address the critical needs of women leaders in the Middle East, preventing burnout, fostering creativity and collaboration, and ensuring that their leadership continues to make a significant impact in their communities.


By funding these resources, you are not rescuing these women but instead nurturing their ability to lead with strength, wisdom, and grace.

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Building Community 

Fostering Lasting Change Through Connection 


At DeepWell, we believe that lasting change is best nurtured within a strong community. Many women leaders in the Middle East experience deep loneliness and isolation, making it essential to create spaces where they can connect with others who share their values and challenges. ​

These initiatives provide a supportive environment where women can continue to grow, collaborate, and thrive in their leadership roles.

Our programs focus on building this community through:
Group coaching sessions
Annual conferences for program alumni
Online mini-retreats
Learning communities focused on practical leadership
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